Korea Trip Part 2 (2016)

The funny part masa mula-mula sampai guest house di Jeju tu, I cannot park the car sebab entohhh tak reti, lembab tetibe. So, a Korean pakcik offer untuk park kan so I turun kereta and dia terus vroom laju pusing celah mana bawa Sarah :'D So, I ended waiting her in front of the guest house and it was raining at that moment.

There was a guy standing outside, smoking, and apparently, he is a Malaysian, and a Malay! *happy jumpa kawan senegara* Jadi kami berbual-bual sambil tunggu kereta datang balik. He asked how we planned our trip dengan sewa keretanya and all. and berbual punya berbual kemain cakap KL, rupa-rupanya we both are Kelantanese! and lagi lawak he is from Wakaf Bharu (my neighbourhoodlah lebih kurang). He came with another friend and mereka ajak kami dinner together actually. They're making a murtabak Maggie that night (yummeh), then Sarah arrived and we checked in, saying nak clean up ourselves and such and I DID hoping we could eat their murtabak Maggie tapi jodoh tiada since when we went down to the kitchen, the two boys had gone.

So the picture is a picture of our first room in South Korea, in Jeju Island. Quite cozy and chilly although being Malaysian, I like the wind from kipas more than air-conditioner. The wind, particularly. Our room is called ondol. Because there is no bed at all. We were give mattresses, pillows and blankets. It comes with private bathroom so senang hati nak mandi lama-lama pun. We both obviously slept like a log that night. Letih juga seharian fly lah, drive lah. So, yeah.

Good night.

Korean Trip Part 1 (2016)

Was our first day in Jeju. Sampai di Jeju dah pukul 4 lebih. Dari Jeju airport, terus pergi ke AJ Car Rental untuk amik kereta. Mula² a bit nervous sebab websites said, they don't accept debit and I mentioned that I'm using credit card in the form. But Alhamdulillah everything went well. Next thing yang nerve-wrecking was for me to drive the car steereng belah kanan😅. Since aku je yang ada IDP, I have to be responsible in driving. Oke, nak undur kereta nak keluar dari centre tu pon dah kekok. But we managed. 😂 Sarah in charge of settingkan GPS. Masa nilah bergunanya knowledge membaca tulisan Korea ituhh (thanks bebanyaks oppa²).

We don't know where to go sebab masa tu pukul5 lebih kalau tak silap n flight Farah&Qat akan sampai pukul8, so lepas fikirkan kelaparan dan ketidakselesaan badan yang dah seharian tak mandi, we decided to head to our hostel. Yanggg terletak di selatan of the pulau. N it takes one hour driving nak sampai situ. Dengan kebijaksanaan si syaheera driving (kahkah), kami bertolak terus ke Seogwipo n tengah² perjalanan tu tiba-tiba hujan lebat disertai dengan kabus yang tebal sampai kami tak nampak langsung kereta walaupun tak sampai dua meter di depan. I meant it, tak nampak langsung! I literally drove 20km/h masa tu! Tu pon there was one time I was a bit too much to the right sampai tergelincir sikit tayar kereta n lost control n Alhamdulillah manage to calm down. Nasib baik Sarah wasn't being panicked sebab kalau tak I got more panicked juga heheh. Perjalanan yang sepatutnya sejam jadi makin lama n we arrived our guest house pukul 7pm lebih, was it?

Checked in je bilik, terus rehatkan badan n minda kosong fikir, do I have to go through that road again to fetch farah&qat yang suppose to arrive the airport at 8pm? But then, they called telling their flight got canceled sebab cuaca sangat buruk dan kemungkinan besar tak dapat datang Jeju sebab ramalan cuaca teruk in few days. Diorang dah nangis apa dah kat gimpo sana and kitorang memang tak tahu nak cakap apa tapi ada juga rasa lega sbb tak perlu drive lagi malam tu n go through jalan bukit gelap dgn kabus tebal nak mati ituu.