I should be telling the full story about my south korean trip but this time, i will only spend on my little kpop tour trip during that one week of vacation.
thanks to Kak Zai, I could visit some places that make me feel sooo close to each of my OTP. ♥
we went to Dongdaemun for souvenir shopping when I promised to meet Kak Zai so she could bring me for our little Kpop tour. Only God Knows how difficult for Gina (our tour guider) to let me go with her since I;m under her responsibilities. But after begging and I made pinky promise (no i didnt) that I will show up in front of her at Namsan Tower the next day, she let me go with the reluctant face. heeee,
we first went to Park Yoochun's
Timeout Gelato. Since it has been quite few years already, the ice cream shop looks ordinary to my eyes. masih tak percaya kedai yang selama ni aku tengok dalam web je n kononnya mimpi la nak jumpa Chun atau any DBSK members dalam tu, aku dapat masuk dengan kaki aku sendiri. :') somehow it brought lots of memories. n to those yoochun's fans, although there aren't so many updated pictures of Chun, the place is still worth to go since the ice cream is really tasty! kami makan perisa blueberry caramel or something. keke ^^ amik one scoop kongsi duaorang. haha. bajet punya pasal.

after eating ice cream, kakzai urged me to go to the next stop iaitu, Kona Beans! Kona Beans is actually Leeteuk, Sungmin and Kyuhyun's coffee shop. and the whole time I thought it's Yesung's. sorry ELFs. :P tapi bayangkan lah, from Yoochun's shop, we walked to the Kona Beans since the shops are all along Apgujeong road. my whole time in South Korea were spent with walking only. no wonder la Koreans have beautiful legs and thighs. jarak kedai kedai tu takde lah dekat sangat sebenarnya. tapi kalau tu tu KL memang aku takkan berjalan lah kot. and the night was so windy i cant but to keep shivering. -.-
Kona Beans is veryyyyyyy nice! ^_^ you can smell Super Junior in there. LOL jk. But seriously, it's cozy, comfortable, privacy-ensured and a great place to spazz on SUJU. :D There weren't a lot of customers when we entered but i do see some fans feeding their eyes with SUJU stuffs. seriously! Pictures on the walls, fancards, collages, fanmade photobooks, placards, etc. we had Caramel Macchiato and Honey Bread. Caramel Macchiato tu sebab Kakzai kata tu favourite Kyu and Changmin. HAHA. OHHHHH, we saw Kyu's mom at the shop but we're such coward fans to go and greet her sebab both of us didnt sure whether it's Kyu's or Leeteuk's mom! Sorry again ELF, since I'm...a Cass. keke :P and yes, we even googled at that right moment but we still couldnt make sure whose mom was that. LOL!
i dont wanna leave Kona Beans but Kakzai said if I wanted to catch up with Sukira, we had to go to Coffee Cojjee before 9 pm. I think it was only 8pm at the moment, or no? I couldnt recall it well. but we walked so fast to the Coffee Cojjee and my legs were aching all over places. >.< i passed a Tony Moly shop and saw a huge JaeChunSu boards while wishing I could bring them home. Uuuu~
we passed SM Entertainment as well~! I mean, benci mana pun aku kat sment sebab kes dbsk tu, i still got excited to see the building in front of my own eyes. the building is very humble to be compared to the artists inside it. KakZai said TVXQ might be in there practising for their performance since there were few fans waiting outside of the building at the moment. I wish I could join but, maybe next time ;)
we also saw Moon Geunyoung shooting for her new CF,i believed, when we were walking along the road. yes, I SAW MOON GEUNYOUNG kat tepi jalan macam itu sahaja! muahahaha XD she is soo pretty and petite and cute and beautiful and small and cute! have i said cute? yes she issss!! I could even listen to her voice when she spoke her lines. Intended to take great photo but i saw some of the staffs looking at me with WTH? look. So we just passed by and keep on looking for Coffee Cojjee.
I think we spent more than 15 minutes to find the shop since it's also KakZai's first time going there. Keke. the roads behind the main building along the streets are quite scary actually. but i could see guards (or police?) in their 'box' almost everywhere so i feel quite safe. but it was quite dark it gave me chill. >.> and all the roads are mountain high so we keep on going up and down just to find that jaejae shop! n i thought it was few blocks away from SM Ent? -.-
IT WAS but we didnt realised it. HAHA! We finally saw Red Carpet saloon and Coffee Cojjee building!!! T_T after working so hard finding the shop, we deserve a hot coffee, right KakZai? keke.
yes, a night of coffeess for me. it's not as big as Kona Beans but Jae is very thoughtful to open the coffee shop under the Red Carpet saloon since it gives him instant profit. bayangkanlah, tons of artists or people went to the saloon everyday kan? some must have to wait for their turn and while waiting we cant do anything yang interesting kan? or maybe, kalau yang lapar ke dahaga ke, the nearest place to hang out is, at his coffee shop lah kan? cerdik cerdik. his worker is also eye candy~♥.♥ i was wishing for Junsu to suddenly popped in but NO. :D maybe he was playing games with his brother at the moment.
n OH, there are many albums from various idols like Infinite, A Pink, 4 Minutes, B1A4, B2ST, SNSD etc giving wishes for Jae's Coffee Cojjee and some flowers wishing good luck for Jackal is Coming movie ^^ I saw AADBSK3 and Mirotic album among them too :') the hope is still and will always be in me.
since the shop was also closing, we caught a taxi and went to subway station to go straight to Yeouido for SUKIRA! Apgujeong and Yeouido is surely not near to each other. even the bullet train itself took more than 15 minutes. but the distance surely worth it since i could see,hear,listen and smell DJ MinWook when the clock strive 2230! Before their turn , Yoo In Na was DJ-ing and there were some of fanboys lingering depan konti tu. Yoo In Na cantik! But MinWook are cuterrrrrrrr! lots of students and japanese fans start gathering when SUKIRA started their corner. I cant but to cringe at MinWook's kawainesss. Urghhhh >.<
Sungmin kept on playing with his cap and hair and kept on going around the konti. i think it's fans' service. LOL. Ryeowook instead terus tenggelam bila duduk kat seat dia. they both are so tiny that we cant really see their faces sebab mic radio tu lagi besar. muahaha XD disco-ing with Catch Me before heading back sebab kakZai takut tak sempat catch last bus nak balik ke rumah dia. huhu. bye bye MinWook~ :')
KakZai lent me her Touch&Go Ticket untuk senangkan naik bas and trains. we just 'tettttt' that card at their places and we're done. neves jugak takut lambat and buat orang marah, but it's my first time and i'm proud i could even try it! XD tapi serious, Koreans are always in rush. I dont know where are they going even at night, but they are surely walk so fast!
me and KakZai camworing in the bus since there arent so many people. ah it feels like the dramaaa. the bus! LOL. The bus is everywhere in Kdramass. bahaha! why the heck am i so happy abt getting on Korean shuttle bus. I dont even take Malaysian shuttle buses and feel proud of it. aigoo -.-
kakzai's house is small but is soo comfortable for one person to live in. cukup lengkap dengan dapur, refrigerator, washing machine, bathroom, study desk, and a single bed. we slept at 3am talking about oppadeul and sincerely kakzai, i enjoyed our little time together!
ah right! thanks to Kakzai jugak, i finally could try the infamous korean ddeokbukki but a lil special one, cheese ddeokbukki! delicious i may say! tak sabar nak try buat sendiri lepas ni but i wont find the korean taste anymore here. :') we also had fish cake udon to warm ourselves sebelum balik rumah kakzai tu. the radish yang dalam korean dramas tu pun aku try and it tastes like..jeruk jeruk lah kan? HAHA. but the yellow pickled radish tu nak tak nak mengingatkan aku kat DBSK Banjun Drama back then. heee. yes i am DBSK-nised all over my body. ^^
the next morning, kakzai had to go to her class to get the attendance first before she could send me to Namsan Tower. We went out together at first sebab I had to buy my breakfast. Had Strawberry Milk+Tuna Sandwich and Kimbap! Yum Yum~^^
nak dijadikan cerita, KakZai asked me to wait her at the house so after we both bought our breakfast, I went back to her house alone sebab rumah and campus tu just a stone throw away. keke^^ bila aku sampai depan pintu bangunan rumah dia (korean apartment style kan ada pintu utama yang kena ada kad or password before betul2 masuk pintu rumah), i just realised she hasnt given me her password! Feel panicked a little and i tried so hard searching wifi so that i could Katalk her but it didnt worked! Haruskah aku duduk depan pintu tu sampai dia balik? Dahlaa sejuk dengan tak mandi lagi pagi tu. T_T
Fortunately there was one foreigner who's residing at the same building nak keluar so I just sneaked in and masuk rumah. feeling like my own house (muahahaha mian KakZai), I took shower and had my breakfast while watching Leeteuk's Final Goodbye in Strong Heart without subs. yes, i feel like a bossss now. muahaha XD
KakZai came back nearly at 10 to pick me up and we had a little visit inside the campus where she showed me different faculties. Design exterior memang cantik tapi interior biasa sahaja. But I am still amazed with the fact that I've set my foot in Hankuk Foreign University. XD Did I say that there are vending machines everywhere around Seoul? ok,might not but it still..a lot. they have both for hot and cold beverages which I would love to try one but i've had enough coffee the night before. So I refused. =;=
Naik bullet train to Seoul and tried pelbagai jenis ddeok yang memang kena dengan lidah aku. ada rice cake yang ada isi kacang (macam kuih koci) and satu lagi disalut dengan soy powder. then KakZai tunjuk kuih bahulu korea. HAHA. corn shaped bahulu tu taste just like our bahulu. hais... nothing peculiar actually when it comes to food. we all eat things from similar resources jugak kan?
Taxi ahjussi that brought us to Namsan Tower was very friendly. he asked KakZai lots of questions knowing that she studies there. I couldn't interrupt though I wanted to. Bila kami sampai je kat tower tu, rombongan travel agent aku still tak sampai lagi! So we decided to take the cable car to go up there. Sape-sape yang tengok cerita Boys Over Flower tu, yes, i rode that similar cable car yang Geum Jandi n Goo Junpyo stuck the whole night tuh. tapi tak sempat lah pulak nak tengok ada lagi ke tak tulisan yang Jandi♥Junpyo tu.
The view up there....Subhanallah MasyaAllah. Cantiknya ciptaan ALLAH SWT ;) I saw many padlocks but the butterflies inside me said NO to make one,too. Instead, I wrote something at the kayu pemegang tangan masa naik tangga tu. ^_^
lepas ber camwoooring selama 10 minit, I found all people in tour group tuh. met my families and unfortunately, me&kakzai had to depart sebab kakzai takleh follow dah kami punya schedule jalan-jalan because of class. but I promise to visit the country again by my own little kpop trip & that time around, KakZai as my tour guider! ^________^
kakzai, me , lil sis Mira |
i've experienced more than this actually but this one little kpop tour i had by my own is a special one. It didn't include much experience but for the first timer, I appreciate all those things. 6 days wont be enough to satisfy my fondness towards South Korea.