It was meant to be for the first april

I never really believe it's already April now. Happy birthday to April babiesss!

Life has been good, okay and I'm thankful enough for what I have so far. Although there is certain times when I complained on things,  I thanked God for giving me guilt. :-)

Well oh well! What is waiting us in April? Aha! Correct!! Our mid-term break is finally approaching and my plan for having a trip with bandmates to Kedah is slowly happening! I can't wait for next week! XD MAY ALLAH BLESS ALL OF US.

oh, kemain hah haritu rasa nak pindah keluar dari rumah sewa sebab panas yang melampau. Tapi entahla, dengan rahmat ALLAH SWT, Dia menurunkan hujan so that suhu cuaca lagi rendah dan, kami selesa dengan cuaca sekarang..

Nak g tengok dc dc dc - sgtttttttt

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