salah instagram

so, i had this one pen-pal i met in foursquare. i know, it's ridiculous right? it started with him asking me about a place to stay for his family during uitm's convocation. he said it was for his cousin's convocation. and he mistaken me for being a uitm shah alam's student. HAHA. cannot blame him totally though. i was the one that checked in into Kolej Melati during our convocation days. So, blablabla we kept on contacting each other through email. hahahaha another unique event huh?

it went well. knowing each other, getting friendlier etc etc. and one day he asked for a picture. i was being cautious so i asked his first. i also asked whether he got instagram. i wonder how noob a person is if he's using an Iphone but not having any social applications. hurmm. He replied "Oh, saya ada insta. follow la @asdfghjkl.." OK.

i borrowed my friend's androids (yes i am still not buying a new one) to view his profile. well, he is not what i expect him to be but he's not that bad either. hehe. he seems a nice person. so i told him, i have seen his profile and he asked me mine. i ended up giving him my instagram, hoping that we could be real friends later. and this is what i got replied by him, tgk awk punye insta kbnyakan nak dlm english xtau la sy ckup x suka mcmtu..nak agungkan bhsa org nape??? Awk try g china,jepun...awk g keje kat sana,awk g outstation kat sana,ckit pun diorg xguna bhasa english..dia ttp guna bhsa dia xkire la pgkat pengurus atau pjual kacang tepi jln...itu yg kt mahukan,awk tgk ana rafali..awk tau dia kelulusan apa??? Awk tgk background dia ckit,english dia cair tau tp dia bcakap ke dlm insta ke ckit pun x guna english...sekadar memahami ckup la bkn bangga dpt level mcmtu.. 

aku terkedu, aku terkejut, aku tak jangka benda ni yang akan aku dapat sebagai balasan. nak ketawa pun ada. hahaha! kami berhubung hanya melalui email tapi dia tuduh aku tak cinta bahasa? ni lah masalah orang yang prejudis letak nombor satu. aku kesal. dan, kami berhenti berhubung. :)

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