the thought of a boring weekend since Kere doesn't have his car with him last week vanished when my aunt offered to fetch me for Ain's open house! hehe.
so pagi pagi lagi aku bangun. mandi. solat. breakfast. kemas rumah menyapu susun dapur sikit and then layan series Vampire Diaries Season 5 sampai habis. dang it the ending. i am just too tired to watch another season but i'm already in it, i just cannot not watch it.

aku suka sangat tengok lantai lepas disapu. bersih putih suci dalam debu sedap nak pijak. semua adalahhhh. makcik-makcik yang lain still lagi membuta and aku sorang-sorang je dok buat kerja rumah. aku lah ketua aku lah mak-mak, aku lah maintenance yang berjaya. ye ke....? kahkah.
this is my new spot for watching movies. salah satu sebab aku pilih sofa ni sebab aku nak lari daripada Ika yang tengah layan lagu dia dalam bilik. hahahaha. and this minimalized furnitured apartment make me like it better. best untuk golek-golek around the floor and easy to sweep or mop. oh, pardon the standing fan tu since we have only one ceiling fan and it belongs to Pica. now i can't wait for my dapur to be installed today. *cross finger*
i was supposed to have two visitors on saturday. pagi tu ada orang nak menyewa another bilik nak datang tengok bilik dan tengahari tu pakcik kontraktor datang nak pasang dapur , baiki lubang jamban tersumbat and all the miscellaneous stuffs. but both cancelled last minute! kalau tahu awal-awal lagi ajak pakwe keluar dating. though i don't have one. >.>
and yes, i was paid as in THE dress, to take care of these two minions while she shopped around with her husband. mengg why do kids lovee to run around the whole shopping mall and not to mention playing hide&seek under the clothes rail or nearly crashed the mannequins. it was such a tiring job. Phew! nevertheless it was fun haha. we arrived at Ain's house at 8 and there's no picture for that since i just go grab the food dan makan tak ingat dunia kejap. and i loveee when all the Hjh Zainab's family arrived, since Abe just moved in to new house at Putrajaya so Cheros one whole family decided to naik KL and yeah, spent a quality family time there. tehehe. aku masih teringat dekat mee kari, rendang ayam, cocktail, makaroni bakar, chocolate moist cake, and another rendang that i ate that night. yums :3
the next day on Sunday, bangun pagi je Ika cakap Ain demam and pening-pening. sebenarnya a day before that lepas diorang balik dari The Mines tu aku dah nampak dah Ain nampak lemah semacam je that she went straight to sleep bila sampai rumah. Nak mintak tolong Kere hantar klinik but he didn't have car with him so i was like texting everyone near us for help. last-last decided to menyusahkan Kuwe my cousin from Shah Alam to come all the way to Subang untuk hantar Ain ke klinik.i'm glad it wasn't that bad.
Ika & Nad nak keluar hangout luar rumah nak pegi Citta Mall so Kuwe offered to go together sebab nak jenguk barang Apple yang tengah buat warehouse cleaning tu ada lagi ke tak. so 4 of us went. tinggal Ain yang insisted us to go tak perlu kisahkan dia yang nak stay rehat kat rumah je. felt guilty but we made sure she went to sleep before going out. disebabkan semuaaaa Iphone and Ipad dah habis, kami decided untuk makan and tengok wayang je. first time tried out Nandos and ok's not bad laaa. though i kinda like KR's more. tehehe. boleh pulak jumpa budak waiter Kelate kat situ. :DD and we cancelled the wayang sebab it's too late for Kuwe to balik seremban later. so we just went back home and aku&ika singgah kedai dobi to do some laundryyyyy.
budak eksaited jumpa 24/7 automatic laundry shop yang takde kat kelantan. it is amusing you know? hahaha. they used Europe's technology and they provided free detergents+softener+sanitizer. I spent a total RM10 of 14kg. shared with Ika.
mana la tahu one day jodoh di laundry shop? ahaaa soooo like in the movie! background ala-ala Istanbul Aku Datang. mengg i just love that movie. a lot. or maybe i just love Beto Khusyairi. or Lisa. or both of them together. or Istanbul. all of them. ;)