being a typical me, instead of just going through my slides and get prepared for my presentation tomorrow, i am now scrolling through my Bali photo folder. ;D
it was last two years' trip actually. i realized i did not mention about it properly here. tehehe. and holamak my cheeks back then were so stuffy and pau-lookalike! kembung nya aku weh! sobs T.T bukanlah nak cakap yang sekarang dah kecut kurus semua takkkk!
we went there for 6 days kalau tak silap. am not good at remembering details but my point is, having Made as our tour guide, staying at Bakung Sari Hotel(was it motel?), exploring most of the tourist spots like Tanah Lot, Gunung Kintamani, bandar Kuta, feeding squirrels at pantai Nusa Dua, experience various water sports with cheapest price and not to mention a whole body massage at Orkid Spa! definitely a place to run from hectic city life. definitely. and with that, i'll share a little bit of photos we had over there. sikit je.
nasi padang somehow is the most delicious meal selepas maggie. haha. aiyyaa tak leh ingat la makan kat kedai gilimanuk tu. x.x |
nusa dua beach. all hail to my kononnya the most fashionable me at that time. *_* |
acah-acah berani sambil menunggu dua gadis tengah scuba dive. |
oh hi squirrel! |
ok tu je lah. ada banyakkkkkkk lagi gambar yang aku tak betul-betul browse sebenarnya. dah buntu dah apa nak buat dengan mereka (gambar-gambar tersebut) bagi idea siket?