Freelance Translator?

Assalamualaikum wbt.

To be honest, I have never dreamed of becoming one. I have never thought it as a career before. However, after I quit my job as Subtitle Editor at IYUNO back in April 2016, I have become a freelancer since then. But yet, I have never recognized it as my career. I enjoyed working at home, after quitting, but at the same time I wanted that "office life", Although I applied to various kind of job, there was not a single feedback. Which made me decide to further study in UPM for two years (dang, was it?). 

Feb 2017 - Jan 2019 was quite an interesting phase.

First, I became a student of Human Resource Development. Totally different sejauhhh alam daripada diploma&degree. But it was a great two years experience and I got to know a lot of great and inspiring people! UPM-mates, saranghaeyo!

Second, since my classes were like 5 times a week, and all of them started at 3 the earliest, I manage to do freelancing as well! So it's like studying+earning money!

Third, I got to know Asfar. My first love. My now-husband. A lot of dating stuffs going the whole two years. lol Alhamdulillah I am married to my first relationship-man.

Fourth, I passed PTD Online Exam but failed the UKJK. Also got called for SPA interview but apparently failed because I answered the Dewan Rakyat's chairs wrong. So, yeah.

Okey, dah melalut.

So, I got married on Feb 2019 and I was jobless since then. Adalahhhh editing job sekali dalam tahun tu. But I earned no income at all. And I got pregnant two months into the marriage. tehehee. And my husband asked me to postpone work hunting after dapat anak. Aih. Then I bersalin akhir tahun 2019, was so busy adapting sampai sekarang. and then the Covid. Practically, my life revolve around my baby&husband back to back!

Tapi Alhamdulillah, I received a silver lining during Covid when a subtitling company approached me through Linkedin saying that they need an Eng-Malay freelance translator and willing to give training if needed. It was on the early April when everyone was so into MCO etc, so I just grab it and started training. It was a Spanish-based company so my working hours were at night. Which is Alhamdulillah sebab Thaqif dah tidur by that time. I finished the training and Alhamdulillah I started the real task on 20th May. Yes, 3 hari sebelum raya.XD

This time around, I am approaching my job as freelance translator in a different view. Mungkin inilah rezeki kerjaku yang sebenar. It suits me more as a new mom and in the end of the day, I do love translating. :)

Semoga sis berjaya kekalkan momentum as freelance translator for longg longg time. Aminn

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