Healing The Emptiness; Yasmin Mogahed


Last 2nd October, I went to Yasmin Mogahed's talk about her newest book, Healing the Emptiness.

At first, I don't know it was a title of her book. I bought the ticket since it relates me the most. :)

Mula-mula ajak my 5S girls, tapi tiada sambutan, lol. So, I asked my sister instead. Nasib baik dia onz.

The talk started at 11am but the registration opened since 9am. Since the venue is not so far from my place (20 mins), we all santai-santai la 930 baru gerak dari rumah. I believe we arrived the venue (almost) before 10am. I saw the building right in front of my two eyes. I was eager atm! Tapi, tetibe GPS asyik reroute reroute apakahh? Pusing punya pusing rupa-rupanya ada cycling event berdekatan bangunan PGRM tersebut. Mula-mula okay lagi kereta masih bergerak. Bangunan tu 500m in front of me tapi tiba-tiba kereta stuck tak bergerak langsung for 40 mins! 1040 dah masa tu weh. Kereta depan belakang dah start honking nak marah. Polis trafik yang jaga kawasan pun tak boleh buat apa. Bangunan PGRM itself ada multiple events on the same day, plus with the cycling event outside the building. My eagerness starting to change into madness dah. Frust gila babeng sebab the clock was ticking and it passed 11am already at that time! Hati ni banyak kali istighfar trying to be positive and said "ada hikmah ni ada hikmah". 10x pusing the same area, barulah dapat parking. Tu pun lepas banyak kali pusing baru Cit ingatkan untuk baca doa makan. Alhamdulillah it worked! We found a place to park and terus bergegas masuk bangunan. We literally manage to sneak in 30 mins before the first session ended! Nak nangis tapi masih bersyukur dapat masuk. ;)

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