my always dream.

it's always been my dream to be able to play piano well. i know most people said that piano is the most basic instrument out of all kind of instruments exist in this world *exaggerate sket*. but i've always admired someone who can play it well and i have this kind of regretful inside me when i innocently rejected my mom's offer when i was 14years old back then when she suggested me to enter a piano class. can someone please tell me WHY DID I DO THAT? *sigh*

n after years later, i met this amazing group of singer. fell in love with each of their song. adoring how beautiful their voices are. and when one day i stumbled upon a video of a girl playing their songs beautifully on her piano, i feel this sudden urge in me to do that,too. i want my fingers to move happily on that little square thing and produce a melody. i love to see how she can play it very very well. n yes, i envy her. a lot. I admire her. Jenny or keudae@youtube. :)

there is someone in my band who knows how to play piano too. n damn, his fingers are so smooth in pressing each of the key. n he takes request! grrrr...

i want to play piano too. am i too late?

p/s: one day, first thing i'll do to my daughter is sending her to piano class. second would be 2nd laguage class. *wink*


BlueHaru said...

me wants to play the piano too... T_T

xeraxiah said...

i wish to play piano well unnie~~~~~~~ i know how to play it with one hand only n it's pathetic.