i finally got to meet my only Korean friend i have ever made since i started to involve in k-culture 8 years ago!well, i knew him since 2009, in yahoo messenger, moved to Twitter and Facebook and with the help of technology, we can keep in touch using Kakaotalk ^_^
Since I am also new to Kuala Lumpur and Lee Suyong definitely wants to know KL, i decided to become a tourist together with him them ; since he brought another friend named Lee Juho with him. with the help from my two cousins, we tour the city by hopping,walking and driving for the whole day :D
we first step our foot at KLCC! or they keep on calling it 'Twin Tower' 'Twin Taweo' XD
yeah, i too got excited to be able to capture KLCC behind me. hahaha.
my first time entering Central Market. ^^; seronok! seronok tengok different types of street dalam tu that shows how multiracial our country is actually. keluar je dari central market tu, we saw a booth selling aiskrim potong and decided to buy the Lees aiskrim tu. hahaha. tapi bapak mahal la wei seringgit satu! aku buat sendiri je dulu. takpun beli 20sen je satu.

Juho was sooooo into local food and fruits! so we bought rambutan, mangosteen and longan to let him try. sebab yang tu je yang ada jual kat central market. haha anddddd kami orang kelate called that longan as 'buah mata kucing' so I, being the innocent and naive and ignorant one explained it to them wrongly! "We called it buah mata kucing here so if i were to translate it to you directly...it would be called "cat's eyes". :D " lepas balik rumah tu baru aku tahu ia dipanggil 'longan' atau 'dragon eyes' in English. and info tambahan, there is exist Pokok Mata Kucing dan buah dia nak nak sama dengan Longan tapi different species. Mata Kucing lagi kecil dari Longan but the taste and texture are similar.

The third stop is Petaling Street! Mengggg so many people and things to buy laaa over there. I like the chinese decoration with the tanglung and all red stuffs hanging up there but then *those sellers look so scary they look like they're gonna shoot you if you don't buy their product* ( i have to whisper cause i'm too scared lmao) tapi kejap je kat sana. round-round kawasan tu, Suyong shopping baju I♥KL and then we moved to the next location.

we went back to KLCC sebab diorang nak jalan-jalan kat Bukit Bintang. siang hari ada apa jee sebenarnya kat situ tapi bawak je lah sebab dah decide awal-awal lagi lepas makan malam terus hantar diorang ke guest house. to kill times and tungu petangg sikit untuk bawak diorang pergi jalan-jalan kat bb tu, kitorang window shopping (tu je la yang mampu) kat klcc sambil borak-borak. luckily jumpa a bench so all of us duduk je kat situ sebab kitorang nak tunggu Asar. Both of them are so curious with Islam. Hijabs, Prayers, Aurat, Halal&Haram foods. My cousin is kind enough to explain those things to them. in a simpler words. and i kinda taken aback with how they found it amusing and yes, ashamed of meself for not being a better example. :/ anyhow, they both ended up arguing over what religion is the most influenced in Korea and Suyong was right about Buddha being the 1st religion in South Korea. tehehe :D
Juho was so into the fruits >.<
We really walkedddd along Bukit Bintang road yang sejujurnya aku nampak mostly foreigners. Expensive brand boutiques that i don't think we would ever dare to go in there, luxurious cars parked along the road and unfamiliar skin textures of people hanging out at kedai-kedai Arab. yes, bukan kedai mamak. ;D
we talked a lot really.
sepupu aku pun dah buntu nak bawak diorang pergi mana and masa tu dah lewat petang so we decided to have dinner kat kampung baru. ni sebab lidah kelate punya pasal la ni! nak makan makanan Thai jeee. andddd unfortunately they didn't like Tomyam! :CCC tapi matpi jahat pegi tipu diorang cakap tomyam putih tu bukan tomyam tapi kuah dia nak sama dengan tomyam. >.< forgive me please Suyong&Juho!
kebetulannya maksedara aku nak datang makan kat kedai yang sama juga so she&her husband treated us the whole meal. rugi nyaaaa tak pesan banyak-banyak awal-awal. hahaha :D The guys wanted to play with Alisha but she is so shy and scared that she looked other ways every time diorang panggil nama Alisha.
Lepas solat maghrib kat masjid UTM, kami terus hantar diorang pergi Guest House dekat Danau Kota. Masa tu jumpa la Michelle merangkap kawan Am yang aku tak pernah jumpa tu. long story short, Am jeles sebab aku jumpa Michelle dulu daripada jumpa dia. takpe beb. aku ada lagi 3months kat sini. wajib jumpa lepasni!
aku ingatkan macam dah tak jumpa dah diorang lepas ni sebab esoknya flight diorang. so bersungguh la jugak snap a picture together before going back home. haha
but we decided to send them off kat airport the next night and yeah, i brought a clan of mine who loves kpop so much that they're so thrilled to meet The Lee-s. haha. That is Michelle&Her BF. Dapat la kenal kawan baru ♥
apapun, they're very kind and budak baik and budak nerd and baik and fun to hang out with. so long and goodbye and may we meet again in the future!